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Welcome to the Farm!

Ok but Mandy.. do you really have a farm?

Well, yes and no. 😂

I mean, what does a farm really look like? For us, we are just at the beginning. We don't have big fancy pastures of rolling hills and farm equipment. (Wouldn't that be dreamy?) But we have a home and a beautiful backyard filled with family pets and animals that we love. We raise puppies for families to welcome into their home. We have homegrown herbs and produce that we are learning how to live on. We stockpile gold, just kidding, we have eggs, but basically the same thing haha. We have free roaming chickens and our pet pig. We try to take things slow and as we learn more about raising our own food and nurturing our next litter of puppies. You may not call it a farm, and that's ok, we have big dreams and so for now this is where our farm begins.

We hope you will follow along in the adventure! Subscribe for updates or follow along on Instagram.

And if you're someone like us who LOVES dogs but struggles with allergies (it's just not fair!)... We responsibly raise precious pups for you to snuggle and adore! Find out more about our Maggie who started this journey for us or check out our puppies here.

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