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What We’re We Thinking!?

We obviously love dogs. Like, a lot.

I don’t think that’s a secret. We think all dogs are amazing creatures and we have been blessed with the opportunity to welcome some specific breeds into our family but that doesn’t mean that we don’t love all breeds. We do.

We have gotten the same question a few times - "why did you pick these breeds?" While we love all breeds, we currently have breeds that we have chosen for certain traits that we think would make incredible companions and additions to your family!


Over the next couple of weeks, we wanna introduce you to some of the breeds we have and tell you why we think they’re great! Keep an eye out for new posts on each breed and if you find a particular breed of ours that you want to know more about or if you think one of these breeds would be a perfect fit for your family, let us know! We can walk you through how you can get put on the list for that next litter!

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