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Bone-appetite, Friends! It's treat time!

Complements of Chef Milo and the Puppy Treat Bistro at Casa de Soto!

This week was a little tougher than usual for everyone and since we had vet visits today, we made sure to treat our gals with a little something extra! We have been doing quite a bit of training lately and this has made us think quite a bit about the quality of the treats that we give our girls. These girls have been learning SO FAST and we have been going through lots of yummy treats. And while we have always made sure to purchase high quality treats with natural ingredients, we thought it can't be THAT hard to make them some yummy, home baked goodies and we were right! It was very simple and our girls LOVED THEM!

The Chef made sure to plate some for our sweet Clementine but she's pretty picky and ... well ... they are DOG treats, after all 🤷🏻‍♀️

We read through lots of recipes and found several that we liked. All had great ingredients that we already had on hand and seemed to have that special, key ingredient that we were on the hunt for- simplicity!

Healthy AND simple, there really was no losing here!

Although, there were lots that we liked, we did what we do best ... made our own! ☺️ Milo had fun and Daisy tried her best at catching toddler chef debris on her tongue like snowflakes.

Here's what we used for Peanut Butter and Bacon Treats:

1/2 c creamy peanut butter

1 c oat flour (or 1 and 1/2 c whole oats, processed until floury)

1 c whole wheat flour

1/2 c water

1 egg

3 tbsp nutritional yeast

1 carrot, shredded

1/4 of a medium sweet potato, shredded (optional)

2 tbsp fresh grated parmesan (optional)

2 tbsp unsweetened applesauce (optional)

3 pieces of cooked bacon, crumbled (the girls said this is NOT optional)

Mix the pb, carrot, sweet potato, water, egg, and applesauce. Then add in dry ingredients to form dough. (ORRRR mix it all at once because you're two and order really isn't your thing)

Roll out the dough to about 1/4 in thickness with a rolling pin or press out with little, tiny hands and cut with whatever small cookie cutter you like. We found a peeps cookie cutter leftover from Easter that worked just fine. I'm not sure they looked like it anyway. Dogs didn't seem to notice the presentation much in the end.

We baked them on a cookie sheet, lined with parchment paper at 350° for 20-25 mins. Allow them to completely cool on a wire rack before letting your furry kids enjoy them.

We hope you try these and that your fur babies love them! Let us know if you do! We'd love to know how they turned out!

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